Safest blood is more important to patients who need regular blood transfusion, like Thalassemia. Almost 350 thalassemia patients are registered at Prathama, who receives blood totally free of processing charges, as and when required. Almost 300 units of blood is made available to Thalassamia patients, every month by Prathama.
It has been observed that during summers there is fall in voluntary blood donations. But, Prathama with help of its dedicated voluntary blood donors, ensures availability of blood to Thalassemia patients. Thalassemia patients registered at Prathama understands importance of blood and crisis of the same during summers. Alike every year they supported Prathama by organizing bloo
d donation drive to meet crisis and requested others also to join the life saving movement.
On 16th June (Sunday), Thalassemia patients registered at Prathama and their family members came forward and organized blood donation drive with Prathama at two locations. They invited their family and friends to come forward to donate blood and help Prathama to meet blood crisis. Total 223 voluntaru blood donations were made for Thalassemia patients.
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