Why to Donate Blood
- The most precious gift that one can give to another person is the gift of life i.e. blood. It is the essence of life.
- Your blood saves more than one life when it is separated into its components (red blood cells, plasma etc.).
- Blood is needed regularly for patients with diseases such as thalassemia and hemophilia, and also for the treatment of injuries after an accident, major surgeries, anemia, etc.
- It improves your health.
Benefits of Donating Blood
- Less likely to suffer diseases
- Did you know that people who donate blood are 88% less likely to suffer a heart attack and 33% less likely to acquire any type of cardiovascular disease.
- When you donate blood, it removes 225 to 250 milligrams of iron from your body, hence reducing the risk of heart disease.
- Blood Center performs numerous tests on the donated blood. Therefore regular blood donation helps in sheilding you from serious diseases.
Facts about Blood
- One unit of donated blood can save up to three lives.
- You can donate blood every three months. It only takes 48 hours for your body fluids to be completely replenished.
- Scientists have estimated the volume of blood in the human body to be eight percent of body weight.
- There are 1,00,000 miles of blood vessels in an adult human body.
- A red blood cell can make a complete circuit of your body in 30 seconds.
- White blood cells make up about 1% of your blood.
Stas about Blood
- According to a 2012 World Health Organisation (WHO) report, only nine million units are collected annually, while the need is for 12 million units.
- Delhi NCR alone faces a shortage of 1,00,000 units per year.
- The shelf-life of donated blood is 35 to 42 days. There is a constant need to replenish stocks in our blood banks.
- Healthy donors are between the age of 18 to 65 years.
- Statistics show that there are 234 million major operations in India, 63 million trauma-induced surgeries, 31 million cancer-related procedures and 10 million pregnancy related complications which require blood transfusions.
Content Courtesy: eRaktKosh website
Funny Facts
Human blood is always Red due to iron in hemoglobin. Some animals, like octopuses have Blue Blood due to Copper-based Hemocyanin.
Your Blood Vessels would stretch over 1,00,000 kilometers, if laid end to end – that's enough to circle the earth twice.