Our Constitution
Specially licensed by Government of India under section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956. This is granted after it is proved to the satisfaction of the Central Government that the association...
- is to be formed as a company for promotion of commerce, art, religion, charity or any other useful object, and
- intends to apply its profit, if any, or other income in promoting its object and to prohibit the payment of any dividend to its members.
This license has been granted to Advanced Transfusion Medicine Research Foundation (ATMRF) subsequent to insertions of certain clauses in the memorandum & articles of association. The following clauses are "non alterable" in the memorandum & articles of association...
- to carry advanced research activities concerned with transfusion technology, transfusion medicine & research activities related to the field is medicine & medical practices.
- to strive towards improving the technical standards of existing blood banks and upcoming blood banks by providing consultancy in the field of technical administrative donor motivation.
- to set up blood bank and blood banking activities, carry out related activities such as component separation, aphaeresis procedures, component storage, plasma fractionation and distribution.
- to set up hospitals to diagnose, treat and do research in the field of blood related disorders.
Our Culture
Culture of Awareness
Awareness amongst the general public about their rights as far a blood banking in concerned. The minimum standard that they should expect as far as the quality of testing and processing is concerned and all this without any precondition of placement.
Awareness amongst the masses towards blood donation as a social cause. About the fact that blood cannot be manufactured or substituted artificially. That one dying man can be saved from the clutch of death by another human being through a simple act of blood donation which in no way can harm himself.
Culture of Commitment
Commitment towards a cause that is all pervasive. Commitment towards service maximization to the society and not profit maximization for a handful few.
Culture of Equality
Prathama as a unique organization, look around and you will find yourself surrounded by a team of like-minded people with a big vision and high self-motivation. We believe that as we grow as a team with us grows a blood bank and so grows the society as a whole. So the set up here is not pyramidal because pyramids are man-made. But we have set up of team in circle because circles are natural like the sun, the moon and the earth, the orbit or say the groups of innocent children playing together.
Culture of Growth & Development
Growth and development are never imposed but always comes from within. We want to perpetuate culture of asking question and finding answers for them. A quest that takes learning to a height where it become a discovery, an invention.