Prathama is a "not for profit" organization, registered U/S 25 of Companies Act & under Charitable Trust Act. Moderate testing charge, as per Govt. guidelines, is taken to sustain the cost of operations, raw materials, testing etc. This testing charge is standardized. No hidden cost whatsoever. We are issuing blood components totally free of cost for Thalassemics, Haemophiliacs, AMC & Govt. Hospitals' Patients, Poor Patients, Blood Donors & Blood donation camp organizers.
Prathama is one of the largest standalone blood centres of India, which has the unique design of building and always follows the international and national standards like AABB, US FDA, CDSCO, DGHS, NABH & ISO.
Self-motivated, voluntary blood donors are the safest donors as they undergo self deferral if need be. A structured societal awareness program, unique blood mobile vans with built-in blood donation facility and special donor care has endeared Prathama to such blood donors. Special procedures like Apheresis Platelets (SDP) are also managed with repeat regular voluntary donors since inception. More than 35,000 volunteers donate blood at Prathama annually.
Blood components lead to tailor made therapy for patients. Also, whole blood is unstable outside the body as the platelets becomes nonfunctional and labile clotting factors disintegrate within few hours of blood collection. Besides, every time whole blood is transfused to a patient, many unnecessary components are also transfused which can harm the patient & could have saved another patient's life. Blood components are the only scientific way of using blood.
Donations are accepted only after rigorous screening of medical & risk behaviour history. Donors with Haemoglobin of 12.5 gm/dl and more & weight 50 kg and above are accepted. This ensures optimization of red cells in every unit along with safety. Our donor deferral rate is almost 20% to ensure Donor's & Patient's safety.
Our quality assurance systems are unparalleled. Moreover, 1% of our component undergoes QC tests to check the final quality. Please ask for our monthly quality audit results.
Our blood components are of best quality and having excellent results of designated parameters according to NABH guidelines. Quality results are more than sometimes double than laid down standard requirement.
Bar codes avoid human errors like wrong identity, sample mix up and clerical mistakes which can occur in a blood centre and can prove fatal to patients. Bar coding system helps to maintain the confidentiality of the donors and patients. We are country's 1st blood centre to employ bar codes, robotic machines & ERP software in tandem. These latest technologies were used since inception.
Prathama has a dedicated team of Transfusion Medicine Specialist doctors and internationally trained technicians to help round-the-clock for any transfusion Medicine related issue. Our team is only a phone call away for any technical guidance & blood support whenever needed.
At Prathama each unit of blood is processed within 6 hours of collection thus ensuring maximum efficacy of components.
Our skilled and specially trained professionals will be always a head in Aphaeresis Products making with sophisticated machines. All Apheresis products are undergoing quality checks before issue to patients for best results when transfused.
We are doing special procedures like stem cell & granulocyte collection and Mesenchymal cell therapy regularly and supporting haematological patients.
We used blast freezing technology for the first time in the country to ensure rapid freezing of plasma thus preserving labile factors.
Prathama has one of the largest capacity blood storage (>5000 units) walk in cold room at any given point of time.
At Prathama automated temperature monitoring system installed for 24 x 7 to maintain the best quality of blood components. All records and graph system providing a convenient system operation. Management directly observes temperatures regularly.
ELISA testing and blood grouping are multi step processes which are error prone if done manually. A set of fully automated robotic machines do all viral markers by ELISA testing at Prathama, ensuring maximum safety. We are using fully automated systems since beginning of blood centre with imported equipment in the beginning phase.
Along with repeat regular voluntary blood donors, we use world's best blood testing kits for HIV I & II, Hepatitis B and HCV. So, patients can always be sure of accurate results and safe products.
The first automatic blood grouper of our country (Qasar) with forward and reverse blood grouping system was imported from UK and installed in year 2000 for accurate results. At present, more advanced automated equipment are put into use.
We always employ coomb's cross match for every blood request that comes to Prathama by Column Agglutination Technology (CAT) to maximize accuracy, sensitivity and speed.
For helping of patients especially pregnant females, thalassemia patients and cancer patients, we are doing Antibody Screening & Identification, Phenotyping for matched blood in case of antibody positive patient.
Prathama providing Irradiated blood components (RBC, PLT, SDP & Granulocyte) to prevent blood transfusion complication called Transfusion Associated Graft Versus host disease (TA-GVHD) in transplant & immuno compromised patients. This equipment and component is approved by AERB and FDCA.
We at Prathama takes care of donors even after donations, we have dedicated team of counsellors who call's TTI positive donors and guide them for further screening and treatment as per national guidelines.
We collect 350 ml and 450 ml of blood depending on donor's weight in automated blood collection monitors only.
ADSOL/SAGM are the red cell preservative solutions in our special blood bags which extend the life of red cells to 42 days, make them very free flowing and far superior to whole blood and packed cells.
We made dedicated group of repeat donors for particular Thallasemia child to prevent TTI infection & other transfusion related reactions. Only group of dedicated donors are donating blood to each child.
About 2.9-4.6% of Indian population is infected with deadly Thalassemia. Prathama launched "Thalassemia Awareness and Screening program". In all educational institutes we are doing Thalassemia screening test (HB Electrophoresis) for nominal charges only. We counsel Thalassemia minor subject and this can help to minimize birth of new Thalassemia major.
Prathama Started Thalassemia Transfusion centre for the Thalassemia Children. We issue & transfuse blood totally free under the guidance of Paediatrician & haematologist. We are also doing free health checkups (like pathology tests, sonography, bone scan, MRI etc.) every year for Thalassemia kids. Also Specialized Consultation (Paediatric endocrinologist, Paediatric Cardiologist etc) for their health check-ups.
Prathama Blood centre is committed to provide safe & quality blood components to Thalassemia Major, Haemophilia & Sickle Cell Disease patients at free of cost. ‘Thalassemia Adoption Program' is started to provide financial help to economically compromised families.
Prathama is 24 hrs x 365 days functioning blood centre. Round the clock services are provided for the society since year 2000.
We are maintaining inventory of all blood groups especially negative groups according to patient requirements.
In shortest span of time Prathama has largest number of voluntary blood donors in Gujarat, 515,008 from 2010-2024. It meets about 50% blood requirements of Ahmedabad.
Repeat donors are the safest and the best donors. Prathama has a cohesive program to initiate the habit of regular blood donation in the society. Already 50% donors are donating regularly with Prathama which we hope would reach 75% in next 5 years time. Many Females also regularly donate blood at regular intervals.
Prathama is pioneer in blood mobile vans. Regular blood donors can donate blood at their area at their doorstep in our modern mobile vans, house of all modern facility for blood donation.
Prathama offers doorstep services. In emergency, our dedicated teams of boys can pick up the blood samples, and deliver the blood components to the patient's bedside under controlled environment.
Our societal Marketing team is pioneer in India. Blood donation from different strata of the society (Blood donation camps on various occasions, all regions and all socio economic) are collected with efforts of dedicated Societal marketing team. Concept of donor motivation by dedicated team of Societal marketing team was pioneered by Prathama.
We have dedicated donor recall centre team for donor recall and feedback. Due to which we can able to achieve 50% repeat blood donation. With their efforts, thalassemia patients are not having Transfusion Transmitted infection and alloantibodies.
At Prathama, people from all facets – Medical, Management, Finance, IT, HR, Creative Arts etc. have come together with a big vision and commitment. Together we are in the profession of saving lives.
Prathama is NABH accredited blood centre and also carries certification of ISO 9001-2015 & Six Sigma for quality services in blood banking. In the past, Prathama was the only blood centre having CRISYL certificate for quality of service.
Prathama provides training (Internship program & Training Program) to students from different schools, colleges & universities for their new learning.
Prathama arranging felicitation program most regularly for 25, 50, 75 & 100 times blood donors by giving them medals and certificates. We are also appreciating our blood donation camp organizers regularly. Purpose of this program is to encourage more and more repeat regular voluntary blood donation.
Arranging regular CMEs for doctors, nurses & technicians & awareness program for blood donors & camp organisers.
Prathama is also pioneer in introducing Smart Card for all our repeat blood donors. Smart card has unique ID, name of the donor, blood group & QR code, which is integrated with our mobile application.
Prathama is always in front in all types of research in the field of transfusion medicine at national and international levels. More than 50 research papers are Published in various national & international Forum.
Our professional and dedicated team was instrumental in discovery of new blood group variant (Emm-ve group).
Prathama is pioneer in developing and using Blood Banking software in India. Since inception, blood centre is using this software. Our ERP software integrates all the facets of blood collection, testing, labelling and issue. This ensures the safety and reliability of product.
The ISBT award for developing countries 2024 is given to Prathama Blood Centre for significant contribution in strengthening blood transfusion practice within their country and also for providing a reliable & safe blood supply and showing excellence in the areas of education, research, innovation and outreach.
One of its first kind here through this application donor/patients can get real time information about mobile van locations, blood drives, blood donors screening reports & blood availability.
Auto email & whatsapp blood donor screening report through software are send to each donor once testing completed.
Prathama believes in adoption of new technologies and walk with youth as far as technological upgradation is there. Social media awareness through Face book, Instagram, LinkedIn & YouTube are a regular feature.
The dedicated Team working round the clock in the service of mankind is the key for the quality of service provided by Prathama. Regular health Checkups, yearly picnic, monthly entertainment activities, games & yoga sessions etc make Prathama as total stress-free organization.
Prathama is recognized all over the country as the benchmark of modern blood banking. We were chosen as blood bank consultants in Delhi, Mumbai and Raipur for advancement in blood banking. We have set one new Prathama Blood Centre at Patna, Bihar and it is fully functional. We have set up one more Prathama Blood Centre at eastern part of Ahmedabad city.
Prathama always have policy to save the environment so our maximum documentation is paperless & available in only our Hi-tech software IBBMS. We have installed solar panels to save the electricity and environment. Prathama has also mobile vans which are running only on batteries.