Meet our Thalassemia kid, Bhailu Desai, who is not lesser than a soldier. He is 16 years old & youngest member in the family of 5 & loving brother of 2 elder & 1 younger sisters. He belongs to the economically poor class living in bopal, shela village. when his family get to know that the baby boy is born, the whole family becomes happy like never before but that happiness didn't last long. Soon after when they get to know that a little boy is diagnosed with Thalassemia Major the whole family got sunk into deep sorrow. Then after sometime they get to know about Prathama Blood Centre so they contacted Prathama Blood Centre (PBC) from where he is having regular transfusion from since 15 years. Now, he is managing well with regular blood transfusion under "Thalassemia Awareness Program".